We convene the full-services supply chain.
We create customized, end-to-end supply chain and logistics solutions for brands and furniture company worldwide. What sets us apart is our high degree of flexibility and scalability which is unrivaled in our industry.

Our supply chain connects suppliers and vendors with leading brands and retailers, all with the goal of meeting consumer demand. We focus on managing complexity and risk to maximize your profitability. Our mission is to enable brands and retailers to create relevant products that their consumers love. By providing a suite of digital solutions, we are creating the supply chains of the future, deliver speed, innovation and profitability.

Starting with product design and development and including everything from compliance to raw material and factory sourcing, manufacturing control, logistics, and more, we offer end-to-end services for all stakeholders in the consumer goods supply chain. Our offices and teams are based in many sourcing and production markets, giving us the expertise and extensive network of supply chain partners needed to meet the diverse needs of our global customers.

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